Enterprise IRD™ from CV Systems is a solution your bank can depend on for fast and accurate printing of image replacement documents. Enterprise IRD is a functionally rich, reliable, and flexible product designed to work within any item processing or image exchange environment. The product currently supports some of the largest replacement document printing operations in the industry. Yet its scalability and its support for a wide range of printers enable your bank to tailor the solution to fit its unique needs – regardless of your operation’s size.
Enterprise IRD accepts X9 files and transforms them into forward or return image replacement documents. To support the capture and posting of replacement documents, Enterprise IRD can insert control documents at the beginning of X9 cash letters when printing. Enterprise IRD’s menu‑driven interface makes it easy for your bank to tailor the control documents to your specifications.
Prints All Types of Replacement Documents
Enterprise IRD provides support for all types of replacement document design standards, including U.S. and Canadian standards. It also creates both forward and return replacement documents, as well as statement enclosures.
Enterprise Print Management
The solution’s print management capabilities make even large and complicated replacement document operations easy to manage and control. Enterprise IRD enables you to handle replacement document printing for the entire enterprise. It provides the ability to route replacement document print jobs and job types to specific network print locations from a single site.
Daily activity reports and monthly summary reports provide the information necessary to effectively monitor system performance and track print volumes by print destination.
Multi-Bank/ASP Support
Enterprise IRD supports processing work for multiple banks on the same system. Multi‑bank capability enables payment processors to provide replacement document printing as a service to their bank clients. CV Systems offers optional usage‑based pricing to service providers.