What are your plans for CPCS?
Our newest product, TCMx™, is a vital tool for assisting with migration from CPCS. In addition, we provide expert assistance with transition to replacement systems. Contact us to find out how we can help.
CV Systems provides a complete suite of products that will help you get the most out of your CPCS environment. These products have long‑standing reputations for reliable and consistent performance in many of the largest U.S financial institutions. We have a wealth of experience with CPCS, and we continue to offer support for CPCS environments. Listed below are some of the products that our customers have found to be an important part of their CPCS operations.
Automatic Merge System™ enables automating the CPCS Merge (MRGE) task. This allows a balancing department to reconcile entries almost immediately after rejects have been corrected without manual intervention.
CONIX Integrated Processing System™ integrates the entire item processing activity from front to back, so that actions taken in one application are reflected throughout the process. Balancing adjustments are reflected through to kill and cash letter processing. The browser interface enables CIPS functions to be performed from any location.
Concurrent Kill™ provides full control and flexibility to
- Design the kill process results to meet the needs of your endpoints.
- Combine all processing needs and workflows in one entry.
- Provide operators the information necessary to make appropriate processing decisions based on current processing volumes and periods.
Cash Letter Administration System™ enhances the cash letter function of CPCS and completely replaces the CPCS Cash letter task CLSM, as well as the cash letter option of KILL. It adds new functionality to the cash letter process, such as adjustments, expanded reporting, and file generation. CLAS can also automate manual procedures, such as Federal Reserve Rainbow sheets. The online CPCS function DKNCLAS initiates the majority of the CLAS process. Since the user maintains most CLAS processing tables through the CPCS function CLAS XREF, they do not require programmer involvement.
Cash Letter Recovery System™ provides an effective and efficient way to format ACH transactions for lost or destroyed cash letter items. CLRS creates a file of records in the NACHA XCK format for collecting payment for lost or destroyed cash letter items. For items that do not qualify as XCK items, CLRS produces a report, and optionally a file, that the research and adjustments area can use in the recovery process.
Check Processing Installation Manager™ is a set of utility programs designed to add to the development, installation, and maintenance of CPCS-related products.
Early SubPass and Reject Release™ system greatly increases productivity by enabling subsequent pass captures to initiate and rejects from active prime capture entries to correct.
MICR Extract Utility™ system is designed to take advantage of the data contained in CPCS ICRE and OSCHECK all‑item files to assist in system testing, conversions, and statistical reporting.
On-Line String Inquiry System™ saves time, paper, and money by enabling you to easily and efficiently browse, search, and print CPCS string data. You can also gather item count and amount totals for any string and selectively report on any combination of items.
On-Line Name and Address System™ provides enhancements that make the maintenance of endpoint data easier. It also enables status reports to be created for any range of endpoints.
On-Line Reconcilement Banking System™ has been the leading balancing solution for the IBM CPCS check processing system since 1973. Banks use ORBS to balance more transactions than any other system in the world.
QuicKill® is CONIX’s replacement for the CPCS task KILL. It gives you control over autokilling at the sort type and endpoint level.
Quick Start Control™ enables the collection of control data, such as batch and block tickets, in less time, with fewer balancing errors. With QSC, you can shorten the processing cycle by moving work more quickly from delivery to the sorter.
Reject Evaluation Control Technique™ enables bank personnel to dependably evaluate and monitor check‑processing quality. The system identifies reject sources and tracks historical performance down to the account level.
Sort Pattern Inquiry System™ enables instant verification of sort pattern changes without test decks or sorter capture.
Sort Pattern Management System™ provides full sort pattern control, including MICR document editing, microfilm and image lift decisions, and reject control and sorting by any MICR document field.
Enhanced Supervisor™ replaces the message display and task cancel functions of the standard CPCS supervisor with a full screen PF key‑driven terminal program.
Sorter Tracking And Reporting™ adds both control mechanism and line statistical reporting capabilities to MICR capture under CPCS and Vector III.
String Management System™ provides powerful yet flexible tools to facilitate the day‑to‑day tasks required in CPCS at the string level. This user‑friendly system allows you to view the CPCS String Directory from any CPCS terminal and limit the string display by providing optional selection criteria. Within the CIPS String Management System, you can execute a variety of tasks by simply entering a one‑character command for any given task.
Sub-Pass Reject Re-Entry and Balancing™ runs in conjunction with ORBS to balance sub‑pass Entries. It is an online system used in the proofing department of a bank to expedite the reconciling of sub‑pass work captured through CPCS.
Tracer Balancing Option™ optimizes the tracer size for the more labor‑intensive reject repair and balancing processes, while keeping the best overall entry size for the transit path (kill, cash letters). The TBO customer can start processing rejects and balancing work sooner—as each tracer group is finished in the MICR task—and reduce the bottlenecks and inefficiencies caused by work level peaks.
The Control Machine™ is an essential tool for successful bank settlement. By automating the input of data and the accumulation of totals, TCM provides an on-line spreadsheet approach to final settlement. TCM provides timely volumes and dollars of work processed through the check capture system. Building on extensive experience with TCM, our next generation settlement product, TCMx, is a multi-channel, all-payments settlement and monitoring system that also facilitates migration from CPCS to replacement systems.
Thin-Client Viewer™ provides a browser interface and image integration to your existing CPCS‑based balancing, settlement, cash letter, and other applications.