The Teller Automation System receives transactions from the branch teller and provides a variety of processing functions depending on the transaction type. Transactions supported can vary from deposit system debits, credits and inquiries, to the full range of teller functions including Tax deposits, Cashiers Checks, currency exchange, CDs, IRAs, etc.
Processing and response data is tailored to each institution’s preference and to the formats and features of the branch software.
Highlights of the CV Systems Teller Automation System include:
- Transactions supported and responses determined by institution.
- RegCC tracking network wide.
- Multiple segment transaction processing (i.e., split deposit with cash back).
- On line balancing with branch transmitted end of day totals.
- Truncation of transactions by item type (i.e., truncate payments but not checks).
- Online display of transactions by teller.
- On line reapply of after hours transactions.
- Transaction sequence tracking by teller from sign on to sign off.
- Multiple business day support running concurrently by teller.
- Posting interface files by application.
- General ledger interface files.